Buyers and sellers get taken advantage of every day. You may find a big difference that could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars. So, before you buy or sell, look over the site for a general guideline, and also, just as important, get more than one offer before you buy or sell.īEFORE YOUR BUY OR SELL WITH ANYONE, check prices. Remember, that is a general price guide but does not necessarily reflect what prices many are traded for. Guns with several offered frequently will have a more realistic valuation on the site. A particular model with few advertised for sale may have prices skewed to the high side but few trade at those prices. We love the site, but it does have drawbacks. Sometimes this is due to being overpriced.
Looking on the net, you will find various sites, some with quite a few duplicates of the same gun for sale. Please email with your want list, and we will notify you if we have your specific item come available. WHERE ARE ALL THE GUNS?We sell many guns before they even hit our website.
How do we back our products?With the BEST return policy in the business.